Always in Love with the Sky

No Matter the Weather - JWTBlog FB Post

There are people who are always in love with the sky. No matter the weather. No matter the season. No matter the time of day.

They see beauty in every sunset. In every rainstorm. In every passing cloud.

In starry nights. Rainbows. The noonday sun. Falling snow. Blue clear skies. Sunrises. Even thundershowers.

They are those special individuals who truly welcome and live in each moment. Those whose hearts beat with gratitude. Whose minds are open and accepting. Whose spirits are compassionate and empathetic. And whose eyes see the splendor and awe in everything.

They are those who teach by example. Who find something to like and appreciate in everything. And seemingly everyone.

They show us what is possible when we see the good, the beauty, the possibilities in everything and everybody.

The way they look at, embrace, and appreciate the moods, colors, and behavior of the sky are models for loving. For loving others. And for loving ourselves.

We should all be so fortunate to find someone who will love us the same way. Just as we would love them. No matter the weather. No matter the season. No matter the time of day. We would always be in love with their sky.

Love like that,


#ItsInTheWayThatYouUseIt  #LiveLikeThat  #DoThatThing  #LoveIsTheAnswer  #LoveLikeThat

I Am Only One

#BornForThis  #WeWereMeantToBeCourageous  #ItsInTheWayThatYouUseIt  #LiveLikeThat  #LetItBeginWithMe  #DoSomething  #WhatIsCallingYou


“I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

That declaration made by Edward Hale, together with the following one made by Edmund Burke, have really impacted me and served to inspire my commitment to both be and make my individual contribution to the world, regardless of the size of that contribution or who formally acknowledges me or joins me in my efforts.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could do only a little.”

I am moved by the confidence expressed in both declarations. I find that when I adopt them as my own dharma, and say them out loud, I feel empowered and inspired to do those things that I believe I am called to do. I feel renewed resolve that my “something” is important and that I can overcome those obstacles and trials which are mine, including my critics, because “I am doing a great work … “ – just as Nehemiah of the Old Testament stated to his detractors and distractors while rebuilding the walls around ancient Jerusalem.

Equally, I believe that you should feel that way too. Or, at least I want you too. And I firmly believe that God does too. Please let me share why.

You have a contribution to make too. A “something” that you were meant to do. A “something” that no one else can make or do exactly like you can, for there is no one else exactly like you. God created only one you.

No one else has your equivalent lived experience. Your idenitical DNA. Your same vision and perspective. Your Divine anointing. Or your heart. No one! Consequently, no one else is qualified or capable of being and doing you – which make your contribution and calling unique. And important. And deliverable and exercisable only by you – by Divine design.

At the same time, that means that you might be operating on your own or have a dream or a vision that only you can see. That only you can appreciate. That only you can accomplish. That only you might be working on.

And that is okay. Not everyone is going to support you or even understand you.

Which is why it is so important to be you and do you anyway. Do your “something” – even if it is as a force of one. As one who “cannot do everything,” but one who “can do something.” And even if you can “do only a little.”

For … You are only one. But you are one. An essential and irreplaceable “one.” You cannot do everything, but you can do something. And do it like no one else can. And because you cannot do everything, you will not refuse to do the something that you can do. Because your undeniable sense of, and connection to, your purpose and your calling drive you to be and make your unique contribution. You will not make the mistake of doing nothing because you can only do a little. Because – no matter the odds, the detractors or distractions, the size of the contribution to be made, or the size of the objectives to be won – you will rise up and do what you can do, what you have to do, what you get to do, what burns inside you to create, experience, and contribute.

Because you were born for this.

Believe Bravely; Dare Greatly,


Be the Good in the World

#DoThatThing  #LiveLikeThat  #DareGreatly  #LetItBeginWithMe  #BeMore


Believe there is good in the world.

Be the good in the world.

Be the change that you want to see in your … relationships, family, community, business, organization, congregation, and self.

BE, by doing. And DO, by being.






As you are who you want to be and do what you want to do, you will accomplish much good. Because your unique light will shine. Brightly. You will bring about a transformation – of self and others. Because you will be the light, the transformation, the change itself. You will change the world … by changing yourself.

BE and DO,
